Our Freedrugcoupon, manufacturer coupon contains links to coupons, vouchers, rebates, co pay programs, etc. We link directly to the manufacturer and access is completely free. Manufacturers use coupons to reimburse patients for this difference in copayments when they buy brand name medications, so that, for people with commercial insurance coverage, the out-of-pocket costs are the same as those for generic drugs. Drug coupons are implemented through subsidies paid by drug manufacturers. Patients nearly always print coupons off manufacturers' websites, often after going through a registration process. The Freedrugcoupons Program is absolutely FREE. We provide this service to any and all Americans that wish to save on their prescription prices. There are no premiums or deductibles associated with this program whatsoever. In the past year, about 19 million Americans used these incentives to fill prescriptions |
The Freedrugcoupon offers the rx discount card in USA Dec 22nd, 2015 [viewed 31 times] |
Freedrugcoupon has offered a number of rx discount card programs to help eligible patients access their prescription medicines. Now, to answer patients’ changing needs and make our services more accessible, we’ve combined our existing programs. This program/card is a drug coupon. THIS IS NOT INSURANCE. This is not a Medicare prescription drug plan. The Rx Card program provides members with savings as high as 80% on prescription medications. It is accepted at over 68,000 pharmacies around the country and provides discounts on both brand and generic medication. Drugs cost too much! Our FREE Prescription Discount Card provides substantial savings on Brand & Generic medications. If your insurance plan does not cover ALL your medications you can use our card too. Any county resident without prescription coverage can use this program. Even if you have prescription insurance coverage, you may still benefit from the discount card since it may save you money on prescriptions your existing plan does not cover. |